Umpqua Tiemco 206BL Nymph/Emerger Hook

Size #14 #16 #18 #20

Super versatile fly hook with fascinating curved shank

Caddis pupa & Larva,Floating Nymph, Emerger, Soft hackle, Parachute, Keel Nymph, 2X Short, 1X-3X Variable fine, Curved shank, Barbless, Black.

The eye is slightly up-turuned on this model.The shank, on the otherhand, curves gradually down towards the rear, which makes the hook ideally well-balanced.It rides in the water in the way as a straighteyed hook does. This is an excellent choice for caddis pupa imitations, floating nymphs, emergers, soft hackle flies, parachute dries, CDC dries, shrimp flies and many other patterns.